T&E Policy Information Update

The NBCU employee is to use good judgment as NBCU business travelers. Employees shall conduct Company business with integrity and good judgment and shall exclude considerations of personal advantage when traveling or entertaining on behalf of the Company. Expenses shall always be reasonable and kept to the minimum amount necessary to perform authorized Company business. Employees are expected to comply with this Policy at all times and report all expenses promptly and accurately with the required documentation.

NBCU will suspend the corporate card and T&E privileges if expenses are not reported timely. Once a travelers’ expenses are not submitted within 60 days, the corporate card privileges will be suspended and not re-instated until all expenses are reported.

In addition, all cash reimbursements will be held until the corporate card balance is brought current. A corporate card balance aged greater than 120 days, could be considered compensation to the employee and the employee may be taxed on the outstanding amount.

If you have any questions or need support, contact the Travel.Admin@nbcuni.com.